Jonathan Schofield, the Manchester tour guide who can’t get the most basic facts about Manchester history correct, has written to New Manchester Walks’ Ed Glinert asking him to stop guiding in Manchester. Sadly, this is not surprising. Schofield, and his fellow guides who don’t actually guide – Elizabeth Sibbering, Jean Bailo, Kate Dibble, Sue McCarthy etc – have been trying to stop Glinert guiding for nearly 15 years by removing him from every single guiding programme and group that he has a right to be a member of. This is clearly an anti-Semitic campaign against Manchester’s only Jewish guide.

Manchester News

- Oppenheimer – the Manchester Atomic Connection
Did you see Oppenheimer, the blockbuster, Oscar-winning film about the atom bomb, named after J. Robert Oppenheimer, organiser of the Manhattan Project which dropped the bombs on Japan in 1945?
Ed Glinert of New Manchester Walks, who has hosted countless local tours that include stopping at the atomic bunker on Chinatown’s George Street, and gives talks on the story of the atom bomb on cruise ships, relates the full atomic story to coincide with the release of the film and as the 78th anniversary of the dropping of the bombs in August 1945 to end the Second World War approaches. Continue reading →
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