The Manchester Bomb

We have all been devastated by the dreadful events at the Manchester Arena and are in a state of shock. We cancelled all walks yesterday, Tuesday 23 May, and have cancelled them today, Wednesday 24 May, as a mark of respect.

Thursday’s Angel Meadow walk can’t take place as we can’t get into the area. It’s postponed until the next slot (Thu 8 June, 6.30pm).

Pre-paid tickets for the Town Hall tour that should have been held on Tuesday 23rd will of course be valid for special future Town Hall dates. At the moment we are not in a position to announce when those dates will be, but they will take place, probably on two separate occasions, over the summer. Everyone who bought a ticket for Tuesday 23 May will be able to use that ticket on those special Town Hall tours.

We have decided to dedicate the proceeds from the annual June 15th IRA bomb walk to an appropriate charity.

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