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Political Manchester

Friedrich Engels’ Manchester

Next FREE walk: Saturday 22 June 2024.  Meet: Friedrich Engels Statue, outside HOME, 2 Tony Wilson Place, Gaythorn, 11am. Booking: Please press here to book with Eventbrite. *** Follow in the footsteps of Karl Marx, inventor of that phenomenally popular political system – communism – and Friedrich Engels, the German cotton merchant and secret revolutionary …
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Formidable Women of Manchester

Next tour: Friday 24 May 2024 (In conjunction with the WOW festival at Factory). Meet: at the Emmeline Pankhurst statue, St Peter’s Square, 5.30pm. Booking: Please press here to book with Eventbrite. These women and more… * Annie Horniman, who established Britain’s first repertory theatre company. * Elizabeth Gaskell, who wrote Mary Barton, one of the …
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Left-Wing Manchester – From German Fred to Red Ed

Next tours: This tour has now been subsumed into the Marx & Engels, Pankhursts and Peterloo tours. Bring: A copy of Clause IV. More apt than Mao’s Little Red Book. How apt that the People’s History museum is located in Manchester on the left bank (sic) of the River Irwell. But why are there more …
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Political Villains of Manchester

Next tour: No dates yet. Meet: People’s History Museum, Bridge Street, time tbc. There have been some bad people in charge of Manchester and Salford over the years – and you, the good people of the twin cities, have been bossed about by them and sometimes even voted for them! We’re talking about Oswald Mosley, leader …
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Political Heroes of Manchester

Next walk: No dates yet. Meet: People’s History Museum, Bridge Street. You want heroes? Heroes that transcend party politicking and partisanship? Difficult one. Maybe Richard Cobden, Friedrich Engels, Wiliam Gladstone, Sylvia Pankhurst and Paul Robeson. Them and the usual crowd of assorted Trots, liberals and free-thinkers.

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What’s Left of the Labour Party?

No dates as yet.

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Churchill vs. Mosley

Next tours. No public dates. Meet: tbc. One was a maverick who served time in jail; the other was the Labour Party’s greatest hope for socialism. One deployed poison gas against the Iraqis; the other was supported by Nye Bevan, architect of the National Health Service. Who would have believed back in the mid-1920s that Winston …
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Tory Manchester

Next tour: Maybe to kick-off the 2023 Tory conference in Manchester. Meet: Booking:     George the Chancellor said on Wednesday 3 December 2014: “Our ambition is to build a northern powerhouse as a complement to the strength of our capital city, where we bring together our great cities of the North.” Has he kept …
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Suffragette City/The Pankhursts

Next Tour: Sunday 14 July, 12 noon. Meet: Emmeline Pankhurst statue, St Peter’s Square. Booking: Please press here to book with Eventbrite. It is now nearly a hundred and five years (1 December 1919) since a woman entered the British Parliament for the first time. American socialite Nancy Astor won a by-election for the Unionists …
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Manchester and Slavery

Next tour: Wednesday 18 October 2023 (International Anti-Slavery Day) Starts: 2pm at Victoria Station wallmap. Booking: Please press here to book with Eventbrite. Cost: £10.50         Manchester has hit the news big style! Simon Hattenstone in the the Guardian has “discovered” that the ship on the City of Manchester coat of arms is …
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