Thu 20 June L S Lowry’s Manchester
Meet TfGM Travelshop, Piccadilly Gardens, 11.30am.

Fri 21 June May Angel Meadow pub tour
Meet Victoria Station wallmap, 6pm.

Sat 22 June Manchester Music: 40 Years of Unknown Pleasures Meet HOME, 11am.
Sat 22 June Secrets of the Northern Quarter
Meet Queen Victoria Statue, Piccadilly Gardens, 2.30pm.

Sun 23 June Alan Turing Tortured Genius of the Computer Age
Meet Manchester Museum reception, 11.30am.
Sun 23 June Strangeways No Escape!
Meet Victoria Station wallmap, 2.30pm.

Mon 24 June The Great Art Treasures of Manchester
Meet Victoria Station wallmap, 11.30am.

Mon 24 June Manchester Cathedral and Stories of Mediaeval Manchester
Meet Shudehill Metrolink stop, 2.30pm.

Tue 25 June The Pankhursts of Manchester
Meet Emmeline Pankhurst statue, St Peter’s Square, 11.30am.

Wed 26 June The Secret History of Manchester
Meet: TfGM Travelshop, Piccadilly Gardens, 6pm.

Thu 27 June The Formidable Women of Manchester
Meet Midland Hotel, Peter Street, 6pm.

Fri 28 June Chilling Tales From the Manchester Graveyards
Meet Victoria Station wallmap, 6pm.

Sat 29 June Manchester Music: The Hacienda Years
Meet HOME, 11am.
Sat 29 June Secrets of the Northern Quarter
Meet Queen Victoria Statue, Piccadilly Gardens, 2.30pm.

Sun 30 June Ancoats: World Heritage Site?
Meet: Band on the Wall, Swan Street, 11am.

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