• It’s Manchester’s greatest ever building, a 5-star hotel built out of the shell of the famous Free Trade Hall.
• It was the home of the Halle orchestra for nearly 150 years.
• It’s the world-renowned venue where Bob Dylan was booed, the Who were banned and the Sex Pistols changed the course of modern music.
• It’s where the great orators – Gladstone, Disraeli, Lloyd George Churchill – thrilled the crowds with their rhapsodies and rhetoric.
• It’s now where the great and good – Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Sven, Zlatan Ibrahimovic – stay while in Manchester.

Hear the history, soak in the sleek style and lounge in its luxurious locations. Then, when the tour’s over, take tea and tiffin or a tipple in the Opus or Alto bar. What a great way of spending two hours!

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