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History of Manchester in 20 Objects

03/07/2015 3:00 pm
03/07/2015 4:45 pm
£8 (£7).

An off-beat, sideways, soi-disant look at the city’s history through 20 objects, some possibly familiar, some possibly little-seen, others possibly barely-noticed (statues, plaques, cartouches, shields etc) in the city centre, from the much-hated “Berlin Wall” in Piccadilly Gardens to the misunderstood “IRA” pillar box on Corporation Street.

And a review from a very satisfied customer.

Dear Ed
Thank you for a most interesting tour of’ ‘Manchester in 20 Objects’ last Tuesday.  It was such a shame that more people did not turn up but those who joined us thoroughly enjoyed it!  I was amazed at the familiar and unfamiliar objects that you chose to talk about and I shall now go around our city looking for some objects of my own!
Thank you for all your efforts
Xxxxx Xxxx

Berlin Wall

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