Next tour: Friday 15 November 2019.
Start: outside HOME arts centre, 5.30pm.
Booking: Please press here to book with eventbrite.
“It was the best of pints. It was the worst of pints”. So begins Charles Dickens’s great drinking novel, An Ale of Two Cities. You’ll be believing tall tales like this and more by the time you’ve supped at some of Manchester’s greatest ale houses: the Briton’s, the Pev and the Abercrombie, in between the best of Manchester history. We would have gone to Tommy Duck’s as well but the bastards at Greenall Whitley knocked it down.
This is an intellectual pub crawl, so we don’t get paralytic but we do drink in eye-opening Manchester history spun from the inexhaustible well of Ed Glinert’s mouth-watering knowledge as we veer from pub to pub.