We can no longer do this in person as it is too dangerous!, so join us on Zoom for even better value
Next Zoom tour: Sunday 12 March 2023.
Meet: On your computer, 7.30pm.
Booking: Please press here to book with Eventbrite.
This is the de-luxe Underground Manchester tour, taking you from the comfort of your living room into the city’s biggest WW2 air-raid shelter, through the subterranean canal, underneath the Cathedral and at last into the atomic bunker.
It’s the on-line version of what was for years the second most popular walking tour in the country, featured in the Manchester Evening News, Daily Telegraph and on Granada Reports.
So, no longer do you have to don stout boots and descend several hundred feet into an air-less chamber filled with ankle-breaking boulders. It also means we can examine every interesting hidden nook and cranny without breaking sweat. Eureka!
It’s a weird and wild world below. Come with us and find out why!