A mind-blowing look at the secret code that forms the lay-out of cities and the shape of its buildings – Manchester style – with a nod to the ancient musings of the Elizabethan mystic John Dee (Chetham’s), Freemasonry (the Town Hall & Albert Memorial), sacred geometry (everywhere), the Golden Ratio (Lutyens’s Midland Bank), the Vesica Pisces (the Town Hall), the sanctity of 2,000 cubits (ancient boundaries & the Cenotaph) and the Kabbalah (St Ann’s Church). Strewth!
The notion of psychogeography was pioneered in the ’80s by feted author Iain Sinclair. Yes, the same Iain Sinclair who described our guide Ed Glinert’s much-heralded 2003 tome “The London Compendium” as “one of those books, destined to be read until they fall apart, that map the unmappable and make it lived”.
On this walk we unravel the complexities of Manchester that underline the great industrial city.