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Manchester in 12 Songs (walk)

10/07/2010 11:00 am
10/07/2010 12:45 pm
£10 for one; £15 for two.

As Ian Curtis sang: “I’ve been waiting for a guide…”

Next walking tour: NO DATE YET
Meeting point: Queen Victoria Statue, Piccadilly Gardens.

An ingenious tour devised by ex-Mojo journalist Ed Glinert, relates the stories of twelve much-loved songs set in Manchester, about Manchester, evocative of Manchester, told in full at the appropriate location.

It’s the sound of the city brought to life on the city’s streets! 

Don’t want to give too much away, but here’s one interesting fact: Thin Lizzy’s “The Boys Are Back in Town”. A Dublin song? No! A Manchester song. A sort of dedication to a well-known set of local lads. They drank at the Circus Tavern. Perhaps we’ll end there.

Manchester in 10 Songs (1)Manchester in 10 Songs (2)Canada House

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