Next tour: Wed 28 November 2018, 5.30pm.
Meet: Central Library, St Peter’s Square.
* First a caveat.
There has been a concerted campaign on social media and in the Sun newspaper to denigrate this tour. For too long difficult Manchester history has been swept under the carpet. for decades it was Peterloo. Then it was the Moors Murders. We take the opposite view: as many people as possible should be reminded of these horrors. It might stop them happening again. Had people spoken out quicker…
Forget Jack the Ripper and the dark corners of the East End, Manchester is gloomier, seedier and more atmospheric. It is also the setting for some really nasty stories which you can marvel at from the comfort that they happened many years ago.
We’re talking about abductions, grave-robbing, cold-blooded murder from an axe-wielding maniac, cold-blooded murder from Britain’s worst serial killer (until another one came along) and the last “official” hangings on English soil.
We finish up with the heads of the traitors on poles outside the Market Cross – and then you can go home.