Next walking tour: Sat 4 March 2023, 11 a.m.
Meet: Queen Victoria Statue, Piccadilly Gardens.
Booking: Please press here to register with Eventbrite.
Boho Manchester, cool Manchester, modish Manchester, funky but chic Manchester.
It’s the Northern Quarter, the ’hood east of Piccadilly Gardens. A land of crumbling cotton factories, sky-scraping fire-escapes, Bohemian bars, downhome hidden spaces, cult markets, chic galleries and cardamom-scented, sizzingly-cheap curry cafes; a style haven shaped in marble, steel and beechwood, with streets named in Mediterranean tiles and pavements slabbed in mosaic.
There’s even a great history of political turmoil, a stretch of the last remaining back-to-back houses in Manchester, and testaments to the great figures who have walked its streets, like Abel Heywood, L. S. Lowry and Emmeline Pankhurst.
Join the hardest-working tour guide and historian in Manchester, Ed Glinert, who was once Boho, cool and modish, funky and chic, in this in-depth trawl and trail through the land that the destructive developers forgot.
* It’s old Manchester renewed and new Manchester refreshed. It’s good. It’s modern.