New to the city or just looking to be refreshed at parts you’ve reached before? This is the ideal walk, for this is Manchester; a taster, a teaser, a trip through town. It’s a best of everything, taking in the old and the new, the ancient and the artful – from a hidden gem of a church to the Chinatown arch; from Manchester Art Gallery with its Pre-Raphaelite paintings to the Gothic splendour of Manchester Town Hall. It’s the perfect welcome or welcome back to the original modern city.
The walk covers the history and great sights of Manchester, the world’s first and greatest industrial city, including the Town Hall, Chinatown, Art Gallery, Royal Exchange, Midland Hotel, Free Trade Hall, St Ann’s Church and John Rylands Library.
Do I need to book? No.
When does the walk end? I’ve got to meet all my family and friends, and tell them how good it was: It’s a 3-hour one, this, as we like giving value and want you to taste a bit of everything that Manchester has to offer, so there’s a break for refreshments half-way at a historic Manchester pub. When we finish you’ll need a sit-down, so we’ll say farewell near the Royal Exchange or Cathedral where there are welcoming cafes.