Friedrich Engels 204th Birthday Tour

Friedrich Engels 204th Birthday Tour


Next tour, free to register: Thursday 28 November 2024. (Engels’ 204th birthday) 
Friedrich Engels Statue, outside HOME, 2 Tony Wilson Place, Gaythorn, 11am.
Booking: Please press here to book with Eventbrite.


Follow in the footsteps of Karl Marx, inventor of that phenomenally popular political system – communism – and Friedrich Engels, the German cotton merchant and secret revolutionary who spent his working life in Manchester making capitalist money so that he could live the life of a bourgeois, riding with the Cheshire Hunt at the weekends, but researching social conditions in the Manchester slums to write one of the most influential political books ever written, The Condition of the Working Class in England, in 1845.

Hugely entertaining, informative and intriguing, this tour has been devised by Ed Glinert, author of Penguin’s The Manchester Compendium and many other tomes published by the cream of British publishers, who has been hacking away at the coal-face of local politics for 35 years, including a stint at the heart of one of the most sinister Trotskyite cells Hulme ever witnessed.

Friedrich Engels statue
1 Tony Wilson Place
Manchester, Greater Manchester M15 4GU
United Kingdom

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